Friday, November 6, 2009

Here's a letter from Sharon the president of Family Watch International about Maine's vote.

HUGE Win in Maine as Voters Reject
Same-sex Marriage!

Dear Jamie,

Sharon Slater, President
Family Watch International

Maine voters gave the effort to defend man/woman marriage a huge boost in Tuesday’s election when they decisively rejected the proposed law to legalize same-sex marriage in their state. With 87% of the state’s precincts reporting, the people’s veto referendum question was leading 53-47%. Maine political observers agreed that results from the remaining precincts to report would not change the outcome and called it a win for the people’s veto.

Despite being outspent by homosexual marriage proponents by at least 2 to 1, the Stand for Marriage Maine coalition (of which Family Watch International is a member) successfully educated Maine voters about the many negative impacts that legalizing same sex marriage would have and then effectively turned out marriage supporters at the polls to win.

This vote was especially historic because it is the first time anywhere that an attempt to impose same-sex marriage through the legislative process has gone to a direct vote of the people for the final verdict. The win in Maine extends the unbroken string of victories for traditional marriage whenever the people of a state have actually had a chance to vote on whether to protect it. This victory in Maine will have international impact as well as being extremely important in the fight to protect marriage here in the U.S.

Thanks to all of you who helped in any way. A special thanks to all the valiant pro-marriage supporters in Maine who put forth such a tremendous effort in defense of marriage for all of us.


Sharon Slater


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